Online MDCAT Preparations | Stars Academy Entry Test
Stars Academy MDCAT Information
Stars Academy Entry Test

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Stars Academy Lahore is one of the top institutes of MDCAT preparation since 1991. Fee Structure

Online MDCAT preparation (According to PMC Syllabus Guideline 2025)

  • Full Syllabus Live and Video Lectures and Test Discussions
  • Computer Base Test Practice for online MDCAT preparation
  • Chapter wise tests, Quarter book test, Half book test, Full book test
  • More than 20,000 MCQs Practice on Computer as universities is conducting test on computer
  • WhatsApp Group for MCQS Discussion
  • Books with more than 2000 mcqs
  • 2 time prepration in a single Fee
  • Access Till Exams
  • Time Management Practice
  • Result analysis and progress Report
  • Online home assignments (Each Subject)
  • Understanding and Recall Based MCQ’s
  • Online books solution
  • Past Papers with Solution
  • Personalized Learning program

  • How To Get High Marks In MDCAT

    If you’re an enthusiast to take admission in any private or public sector medical college, then it has been obligatory for you to clear the Medical and Dental College Admission Test (MDCAT). It is basically a competitive exam you have to score actually great, to ensure a seat in a medical college. This test is comprised of MCQ’s which are based on the MDCAT syllabus. It is not an easy task to pass the test easily. However, one can pass the test by thoroughly learning the full syllabus and by following certain tips and tricks. Therefore, we are going to help you in the preparation for MDCAT and will let you know how you can achieve your goal in a good way.

    National MDCAT Preparation Tips

  • The focus is the Key.
  • Keep PMC syllabus with you.
  • Set your timetable and follow it.
  • Seek proper guidance.
  • Strengthen your weak points.
  • Participate in MDCAT Practice Online tests beforehand.
  • Practice, Practice, and Practice leads to perfection.
  • Make strategy beforehand to solve MDCAT.
  • Stay Optimistic.
  • The focus is the Key:

    From the end of FSC exam till the day of MDCAT test you have got 3 months which are almost 90 days and these days are enough for the MDCAT preparation. All you need is the focus and determination. Your success in the exam depends upon how much you are serious about it? How desperately you want to get selected from thousands of students? Are you ready for it? Are you ready to make MDCAT test the center of your life for 3 months? To make it a center of your life, give it a worth. Three months requires your determination and all of your focus. If students are focused, they are more likely to be successful than unfocused students.
    You can stay determined and focused by watching various motivational videos. So, in order to stay focused, keep yourself motivated. Students can also motivate themselves by telling them all the reasons due to which it is essential for them to pass this exam.

    Keep PMC Syllabus with You:

    Once students are focused and motivated, they will keep all the essentials with them which will help them in MDCAT preparation. Students should know what they need to study and in which areas they need to be more focused. Students can better prepare when they are aware of the syllabus. Keep yourself updated with the latest syllabus. Try to study from books but you can also go for STARS ACADEMY practice books named as ‘’MDCAT practice books’’ available in the STARS ACADEMY HEAD OFFICE ALLAMA IQBAL TOWN LAHORE.

    Set Your Timetable and Follow it:

    When a person is truly a passion to achieve something, the very important thing they needs to do is to spare the proper amount of time. Once students are into passing MDCAT, they need to make a proper timetable in which they can mention their subjects and can fix timing for their preparation.

    Seek Proper Guidance:

    It is essential to seek proper guidance for the preparation of MDCAT. STARS ACADEMY help students in preparation through proper techniques and strategies. They help students in covering all the MDCAT syllabus within time and according to MDCAT test requirements. You cannot open the door by banging on the wall. Without a doubt, you have to do all the preparation to clear the MDCAT test but in the right direction. You should not go for random things you must follow a path and your path must be right, so you can reach the destination.

    Strengthen your weak points:

    Identify the areas where you are weak and which need to be strengthened. Therefore, students should identify their weak areas and should be more focused on them, and should strengthen them.
    Moreover, students can also get help from their teachers as they better know the weak points of their students. This will help students in knowing for which subjects they need to put some extra effort.

    Participate in MDCAT Practice Online tests beforehand:

    The best possible thing which will help students greatly in their exams is that they can attempt MDCAT-type exams beforehand. Attempting such exams beforehand will help students how they can attempt the MDCAT test in the future.

    Practice, Practice, and Practice Leads to Perfection:

    The success of MDCAT lies in a fact that how much you practice and how you convert your weaknesses into your strengths.

  • Listen to lectures
  • Take the test of that topic or chapter.
  • Check your test or get it checked by the teacher so you can find your mistakes.
  • Make a list of the topics in which you lack.
  • Revise the topic with new method and strategy.
  • Seek the help of your teacher to know the right answers to your wrong questions.

  • Maybe fewer marks in the practice tests let you down but you have to carry it with full enthusiasm because the strategy of MDCAT test is completely different from FSC learning method. So it is completely OKAY if you find hurdle at the start of the preparation all you have to do is to remain consistent and determined for this test.

    Sleep and Eat Well:

    ‘’Healthy body has a healthy mind.’’ Preparation of MDCAT can be hectic but try to take little breaks and have a proper meal. If you don’t do this, then after a few days you will lose your energy and your mind will not be able to absorb new things. So just be true to yourself and let your body eat and rest properly so it can cooperate with you during MDCAT preparation.

    Stay Optimistic:

    Optimism and faith is the key in keeping yourself going. Stay faithful and seek help from Allah to reach your desired goals. Moreover, try to surround yourself with people who have a positive attitude towards you and who are there for you to motivate you. The majority of the students get panic about the test but it is essential to overcome the pressure to reach our goals. Students should keep themselves out of all the negativity, stress, and anxiety to give their best.

    Registration Process

    For Online Preparation Click on Registration Button.

    Online Registration

    Download STARS Academy Entry Test, Registration Form from here.

      Admission Form

    Download STARS Academy Entry Test, Registration Form from here.
    Read carefully bank detail as below & deposit
    your entry test fee online in Bank: Faysal Bank Pvt
    FAYSAL BANK Fees Detail
    ACCOUNT NO  :  0186007000006349
    Kindly Whatsapp a copy of bank deposit slip on offical number of stars academy   03331409100

    • Other Payment Methods
    •    Jazz Cash
      BANK   :  Faysal Bank Pvt
      ACCOUNT NO  :  0186007000006349
    •   EasyPaisa
      BANK   :  Faysal Bank Pvt
      ACCOUNT NO  :  0186007000006349
    • Kindly Whatsapp a copy of deposit slip or screenshoot on offical number of stars academy   03331409100
    Send us by post : 28-Kashmir Block Iqbal Town Lahore
    You can also e-mail your completed registration form at: [email protected]

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